

First Nomination

I got tagged by DollyGirl. Thanks for the nomination!

11 things about me

1. This is my first and only blog.
2. I am in my second year of Spanish!
3. My BFF lives in Texas.
4. I have 6 dolls.
5. I can sew, knit, and quilt.
6. I have blue eyes.
7. I got my first doll in 2006.
8. I am 12.
9. My full name is Shauna MarieRoes Somerville.
10. I LOVE pinterest!
11. I like crafting!

DollyGirl's Questions

1. Favorite doll brand? AG
2. Favorite book? I read too much to decide!
3. Favorite animal? Farm animals
4. Do you have an AG? 6
5. If so which ones? Ashley (MAG with blonde hair, blue eyes), Samantha, Nicki, Julie, Rebecca, and Mia.
6. How old are you? 12
7. What are you being for Halloween? I don't celebrate Halloween.
8. What are your dolls being for Halloween? Refer to question 7.
9. Do you have any siblings? One brother.
10. Favorite color? Green.

My questions
1. Favorite color?
2. Favorite animal?
3. Favorite doll ( MAG, Historical, or GOTY)?
4. Favorite specific doll?
5. Do you have any dolls?
6. What is your eye color?
7. Favorite drink?
8. Favorite food?
9. Favorite blog?
10. Favorite book?
11. Is this your first nomination?

I nominate

The Spicys
Pieces for Reese (They have AWESOME crafts)
SB Sugar Helper
Rosalyn's Blog
That's everybody I can think of!


SBgal said...

Shauna, you sneaky little girl. Thanks. We were rated a 3 by the way at contest today. Thanks for the luck.

Lydia said...

Thanks for doing it!

Shauna said...

Sure! Glad to do it!